Boston Herald Article that I didn’t see until now
Lauzon's Penn pal has fighter ready By DAN DUGGAN 17 November 2007Boston Herald It didn't take B.J. Penn long to recognize there was something special [...]
Lauzon's Penn pal has fighter ready By DAN DUGGAN 17 November 2007Boston Herald It didn't take B.J. Penn long to recognize there was something special [...]
I had the opportunity to catch up with Joe Lauzon, fresh off his victory at UFC 78 against Jason Reinhardt. We discussed the fight, his [...]
I did an interview last week with BuddyTV talking about my fight on Saturday. You can listen to it or you can read their transcript. [...]
When Joe Lauzon participated in the Ultimate Fighter season five reality show, it gave him a chance to receive some world class mixed-martial-arts training from [...]
I get this question a lot... and until now I couldn't talk about it. I will be fighting Jason Reinhardt November 17th at UFC78 in [...]