Congrats to D-Lau. We were looking forward to the fight with Horedecki but it didnt work out this time, but we are confident it will happen in the near future.

We want to thank Bobby Green for stepping up and taking the fight on short notice. A lot of guys wouldnt want to be dropped in the deep end of the pool on two days notice but as he said in an interview, he will fight anyone anytime.

Let me tell you, Dan was not looking for any kind of break for anything other than recovering his balls from his throat. Dan is the most stubborn kid I have ever met in my life. He does not want any shortcuts in anything and wants to earn everything he gets. He clearly got kicked in the balls and he took the amount of time he was given. If I got kicked in the balls I wouldnt want to tie me own shoes… nevermind go out and fight. It happens in fighting and in some cases you dont need the full time. In other cases, you do… and this was one of those cases. He gets fouled and then when he takes his time to recover he is the one thats wrong? He got hit in the nuts and he took his time to recover. Thats it. Its not out fault Bobby Green consistently had terrible accuracy and hit Dan in the balls 3 times

After the third one, they gave Dan the option of the easy win. They told Dan that Bobby would be DQed if he didnt want to continue. If Dan was looking for an easy way out, he would have said he didnt want to continue and take the easy win. It would have been the smart move… he could have collected his money and gone home with a win. Instead, he went out and showed those HUGE BALLS and finished the fight like a man.

Congrats to the UPGRADE.