Another week on the Big Island and another update. This weekend was a good time. We had great training all week and then Friday came and it was time to take it a little bit easier. I went and saw Ratatouille with Timmy and his girlfriend. For those of you that haven’t seen it, you should skip it. I blame Greg for making the mistake of going to see it, because he said it was pretty good. We SHOULD have seen Transformers again. Never make that mistake again. Moment of weakness on trying something new…
After the movie, I went out with Hoyt to the Palms and met up with Junior, Larry, Regan and some others. I put out my hand to shake Regans hand he armdragged me across the table and tried to wrist lock me. And people think I’m not training out here. Hanging with the Penns… you are always training. It ended up being an early night because we had training in the morning.
After training we went to a party on the beach and then to a bachelor party for JD, BJ’s brother . That was a good time, and then we went out after to Palms and Detour. Got my ass handed to me in pool a few times and called it a night.
On Sunday we went to Ka Lae and then Mahana Beach. Ka Lae is also known as South Point and is the southern most point on the Big Island and is also the furthest point South you can go in the United States.
We jumped from some ledges into the water, which was the saltiest I have ever been in. I didn’t get water in my mouth and I could still taste the salt. There was also a hole that you could jump down into and land inside a cave.
The water was like a toilet because as the tide went in and out the water level would change. Every 5 or 10 seconds, the water level would change by about 10 feet or so. I skipped out on Jumping into the hole because after everyone heard about jumping from the bridges a couple weeks ago, I promised I would stop doing “stupid stuff” until after my fight. Normally Tony is trying to get me to do things, but even he said something along the lines of “Yah, better to wait… could make a mistake and get really F’ed up on that one”. If Tony is telling me its a good idea to not do it, I’m gonna listen.
After South Point, we went to the Mahana Beach, which is the “Green Sand Beach”. We had to walk about 2 miles to get to the beach but it was a pretty good walk along the water.
The sand at Mahana Beach is green because there is a large deposit of Olivine. I took a few pictures and in some you can see how its green, but in others it looks like normal sand. I think my camera thought the color balance was off and made the pictures less green. You get the idea though.
We don’t just train for the ring, cage or street… we train for the beach! So never wanting to miss a chance to train, Brian and I had the first “Green Beach Takedown Tournament” hosted, reffed and video taped by Tony DeSouza.
Not happy about how the first tournament ended… an immediate rematch was granted.
Shameless Plug, hah.
And last, but certainly not least… the Pats whooped the Cowboys. Great weekend overall.